This was all I ever wanted to do growing up. I chose my college (USAFA) to set me up to be an Air Force pilot - I had no interest in being a commercial pilot. Everything in my life felt like it was leading to this... and it was pretty ugly.
It was ugly, and I wasn't prepared for it to be that ugly. Getting my private pilot license was straightforward and very non-stomach churning. My first flight in a T-6 was spent just throwing up. Each flight after that was the same. I had to fly and vomit, then go sit in a Barany chair and vomit for weeks until my body got used to it.
I did eventually get over being air sick. I was able to do all the aerobatics (fun) and formation (REALLY FUN) flying required, but flying had lost its appeal. To this day, smelling jet fuel brings back terrible memories and a bit of a lurch in the stomach.